“When it rains, it pours, and I must admit, it felt like I was caught in a tsunami before I approached KCM for help.”

"When it rains, it pours, and I must admit, it felt like I was caught in a tsunami before I approached KCM for help."

When it rains, it pours, and I must admit, it felt like I was caught in a tsunami before I approached Katy Christian Ministries/KCM for help. I had recently been diagnosed with diabetes, and the complications from the disease made it challenging for me to work. My wife, Erika, was the sole breadwinner for our family, which included three always-hungry teenagers, as I struggled with my health.

Initially, KCM provided my family with food, school supplies, and Christmas gifts through its Santa’s Sleigh program. Over time, I gained control over my diabetes, but not before losing vision in one eye and having part of a foot amputated due to the disease’s progression. By this point, Erika’s work hours were cut in half due to the pandemic.

KCM offered financial assistance until I could return to work, and my caseworker identified us as good candidates for the Resiliency FIRST program, which helps people pursue financial stability and become more resilient against future crises. KCM’s goal-planning framework set the stage for my success. With the goal of owning a catering business prominent in our Resiliency FIRST plan, Erika and I were faithful to the program, attending and actively participating in group and individual sessions. Fast forward to our completion of the program, and we were not only running a catering business, but we had also expanded it five times over.

Our business success continues, and now I have my sights set on a food truck for the next leg of my culinary career. There is nothing but blue skies forecasted for my family and me as we continue to set and achieve our goals.

Thank You KCM!

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Mon, 07 Apr 11:00 AM
Reserve your sponsorship spot for the 26th Annual Swing from the Heart Charity Golf Tournament. April 7, 2025 Weston Lakes…
Sat, 12 Apr , All Day
Children's Easter Baskets for Clients KCM invites you to be a part of Operation Easter! With your support, we will…