Crisis Center

24/7 Crisis Hotlines

Non Emergency:  281.391.4504

Domestic Violence occurs when a family member, partner, or ex-partner attempts to physically, verbally, emotionally dominate the other. Domestic violence has many forms, including physical violence, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, intimidation, economic deprivation or threats of violence. Domestic violence occurs in all cultures. People of all races, ethnicities and religions can be perpetrators of domestic violence.

Non Emergency:  281.391.5262

Sexual abuse is undesired or non-consensual sexual behavior by one person upon another. It is often perpetrated using force or by taking advantage of another. The term also covers any behavior by an adult or older adolescent towards a child younger than the age of consent, a disabled person, an elderly adult, or by someone in a position of power and influence over the other.

Offering hope, help and safety through God’s grace and unfailing love to those affected by Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse. Providing support, education, and resources to meet the needs of survivors in the community and surrounding areas.

Offering hope, help and safety through God’s grace and unfailing love to those affected by Domestic Abuse and Sexual Abuse. Providing support, education, and resources to meet the needs of survivors in the community and surrounding areas.

Our Trained Advocates are Here to Help You!

  • 24/7/365 Crisis Hotlines for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault
  • Free and Confidential Services
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Safety Planning
  • Peer Counseling
  • Therapy Services
  • Support Groups: English/Spanish
  • Emergency Shelter Placements
  • Information and Referral Services
  • Hospital, Court and Law Enforcement Accompaniments
  • English and Spanish Advocacy
  • Assistance with Crime Victims Compensation, Protective Orders, and Texas VINE
  • Transportation Assistance
  • Community Outreach, Training and Educational Services

Katy Christian Ministries’ Crisis Center provides trauma informed counseling services to those who have been affected by domestic and or sexual abuse.

Our services are designed to meet survivors wherever they are in the process of healing and to help them understand and cope with the trauma they have experienced so that they can heal, recover, and move on with their lives.

We address client’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs. All counseling is free and confidential.

We Offer:

  • Individual counseling for adults
  • Counseling for Children ages 10 to 17
  • Support groups to help survivors connect and heal from abuse
  • Counseling services in both English and Spanish
  • In-Person and Virtual session available

CALL: 281-391-4504